Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide



Literature cited

Multimedia bibliography

Interface bibliography

Interface glossary

Adobe Systems, Inc. 1993. Adobe Premiere: Classroom in a book. Mountain View, CA: Adobe Press.

Adobe has produced three excellent book-length tutorials on its major software products, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere. Each comes with its own CD-ROM of example files and tutorials. Well written, highly recommended for quick-starts into these complex but essential imaging tools.


Apple Computer, Inc. 1992. Apple CD-ROM Handbook. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

An excellent introduction to the basic technology of CD-ROM production. Covers both authoring and content issues and CD technology, in a (mostly) non-technical style.

Bennet, H. 1993. PhotoCD: A Macintosh primer. CD-ROM Professional 6 (4): 93-101.

Introduction to the technology and uses of Kodak's PhotoCD CD-ROM format for digital photography.

Bove, T. and C. Rhodes. 1990. Using Macromind Director. Carmel, IN: Que Corporation.

One of the very few third-party books on Macromedia Director. Although this book only covers version 2.0, most of the Director interface is still similar enough for the book to be a useful companion to the current version 4.0 manuals.


Cohen, L. S., R. Brown, and T. Wendling. 1993. Imaging essentials. Mountain View, CA: Adobe Press.

Excellent introduction to the technology, software, and processes in electronic imaging and computer illustration. The best single reference I've seen to the common image formats used in electronic design. Also has excellent illustrated explanations of the complex filtering and channel operations possible in Adobe Photoshop.


Dayton, L. and J. Davis. 1993. The Photoshop wow book. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press.

Although Photoshop's manual and tutorial is excellent, the program is so complex and can be used in so many different contexts that it is useful to have third-party books like this one around to see what other people do with Photoshop. Well written and illustrated.

Drucker, D. L., and M. D. Murie. 1992. QuickTime handbook. Carmel, IN: Hayden Press/Prentice Hall.

Well-written, not overly technical overview of Apple's QuickTime digital video technology for the Macintosh. Covers the major video concepts and hardware tools, video digitizers, and video editing software like Premiere, VideoFusion, and Videoshop.

Goodman, D. 1993. The complete HyperCard 2.2 handbook, 3rd ed. New York: Bantam Books.

The granddaddy of all scripting handbooks. Goodman explains things very well, and the book is well organized for quick reference to specific topics and problems. Since HyperCard, SuperCard, and Director all share similarities in their scripting languages, this book is useful even if you don't actually use HyperCard.

Horton, W. K. 1991. Illustrating computer documentation. New York: Wiley.

An excellent book with a dry, somewhat misleading title. This book actually covers many general issues of graphic design, for both paper documents and the computer screen. Horton always cites his sources in academic style, so the bibliography here is also quite valuable.

Jerram, P. and M. Gosney. 1993. Multimedia power tools. New York: Random House.

A very good overview of current (Macintosh) multimedia software, hardware, and technology. The best single-volume survey of multimedia for the Macintosh. Very comprehensive listings and short reviews of authoring tools and graphics software. The companion CD-ROM suffers from a slow and very mediocre user interface, but contains lots of public domain and demonstration tools.

Jerram, P. 1994. CD-ROM universe. NewMedia 4 (6): 40-46.

An excellent overview of the current state of the CD-ROM publishing industry, with interesting data on the average budgets for major CD titles. A related article in the same issue covers CD distribution channels, partnerships, and CD publishers.


Johnson, N., F. Gault, and M. Florence. 1994. How to digitize video. New York: Wiley.

The best single-volume reference I've seen to date on the tools and technology of digital video. Covers both Mac and windows versions of QuickTime, as well as Microsoft's Video for Windows AVI standard.

Kiamy, D. 1993. High-tech marketing companion. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

A compilation of short articles on the business of software and hardware marketing and distribution. A good introduction to some of the realities of publishing software, getting a distributor, and properly packaging your products for the Mac and PC marketplace.

Lipson, S. 1994. Windows as a second language. Alameda, CA: Sybex.

Being a serious multimedia publishers means reckoning with "that other platform." If you are a hapless Mac user (like me) forced by circumstances to deal with Windows you will find this book both helpful and entertaining. Given the GUI design edge the Mac has, I doubt if Windows users would even need an equivalent Windows-to-Mac translator.

Lynch, P. J., C. C. Jaffe, P. I. Simon, and S. Horton. 1992. Multimedia for clinical education in myocardial perfusion imaging. Journal of Biocommunication 19 (4): 2-8.

A brief paper on how we used multimedia to create an extensive atlas of digital medical imaging.

Lynch, P. J. 1994. Visual design for the user interface, Part 1: Design fundamentals. Journal of Biocommunication 21 (1): 22-30.

This (and the following article) are my own attempt to bring all of the basic concepts and existing literature on the visual design of interfaces into two short articles.

Lynch, P. J. 1994. Visual design for the user interface, Part 2: Graphics in the interface. Journal of Biocommunication 21 (2): 6-15.

Martin, J. A. 1993. Hands on: PhotoCD. Macworld 10 (7): 92-97.

Overview of PhotoCD technology and uses, especially as applied to the Macintosh and Mac imaging software.

NewMedia Magazine. 1993. Multimedia tools guide. NewMedia Vol. 3 (Special issue, November 1993): 1-88.

Patton, P. 1993. Making metaphors: User interface design. I.D. 40 (2): 62-66.

Graphic and industrial design firms are entering the business of user interface design; the emerging field of software design.

Pearlman, C. and J. Abrams, moderators. 1994. The I.D. magazine multimedia forum. I.D. 41 (2): 36-43.

Roundtable discussion among 13 multimedia designers, graphic designers, and electronic publishers on the design implications of multimedia.

Rabb, M. J., ed. 1990. The presentation design book. Chapel Hill, NC: Ventana Press.

A good introduction to the basics of graphic presentation to audiences. Oriented more to speaker support issues than to multimedia design, but many of the design problems are the same, and many multimedia programs will be used as interactive speaker support "slides" anyway.

Rosenthal, S. 1994. Electronic publishing. NewMedia 4 (7): 44-47.

Good overview of the current state and near future of electronic publishing, especially as compared to paper-based publications. Short articles on CD publishing standards and CD-ROM packaging follow.

Spanbauer, S. 1993. The write stuff: CD-recordable. NewMedia 3 (10): 62-68.

A brief survey and explanation of recordable CD-ROM ("CDR") technology and potential uses. Anyone interested in CD-ROM publishing or large multimedia productions needs at least a basic understanding of CDR, which is quickly becoming an essential prototyping and mass storage medium.


Spiekermann, E. and E. M. Ginger. 1993. Stop stealing sheep. Mountain view, CA: Adobe Press.

An excellent book on the uses and abuses of typography. Don't be put off by the odd title. This is the best recent book that I've seen on typography.
Copyright 1997 P. Lynch and S. Horton,
   all rights reserved. Yale University   Revised January 1997.