Contents Web Graphics |
The primary challenge in creating illustrations for Web pages is the relatively low resolution of the computer screen. But these days computer screens can also display thousands or millions of colors, and that wealth of color can often make the resolution limitations less noticeable. Very complex graphics or color photographs often look surprisingly good on Web pages for two major reasons:
Science and education users are just waking up to the fact that digital publishing is inherently color publishing on the Web there is no economic penalty for publishing in color. Web pages may be the best current means to distribute color photography it's a lot cheaper than color printing, and is also more consistent and reliable than all but the most expert (and costly) color printing: The Web is also great for transmitting complex color artwork to students: Processing complex illustrations or photographs The anatomic graphic above was originally painted at much higher resolution in Adobe Photoshop (1000 by 2000 pixels, 24-bit RGB file). We then reduced a copy to the size above, and used the Photoshop "Unsharp Mask" filter (at 60%) to restore the sharpness of the graphic. Although this small version of the painting has lost some resolution and color detail, it still shows all the major anatomic landmarks. We think it is just as good as any equivalent graphic printed in a textbook. We chose the JPEG file format for the anatomic painting because the artwork is relatively large for a Web graphic. It also does not contain any lettering or diagrammatic elements that reproduce poorly in highly compressed JPEG images. JPEG images can be used for paintings or photographs with labels if you choose the right compression setting. The painting above was compressed in Photoshop at "good" quality," which is the medium setting ("excellent, good, poor"). If you choose the "good" or "excellent" JPEG compression settings text labels may look acceptable, at least on 16-bit or 24-bit displays. Note that the text of the signature is clear and legible, even though close inspection shows there is JPEG noise around the characters. All other graphics on this page are in GIF format, either because they are smaller, or because they contain text or diagram elements. Diagrams for the computer screen Basic diagrams also work well on the computer screen if they are carefully designed to match the grid of pixels on the screen. Graphics built with orthogonal lines (straight horizontal or vertical lines) or diagonal lines at 45 degree angles work best for the screen, as this enlarged view illustrates: Complex icons are hard to interpret, and look mushy and confusing on the screen. Keep your icons and navigation graphics as simple as possible: Simple isometric perspective graphics also work well, because they depend on straight lines and 45 degree diagonals. Graphics built carefully to match the pixel grid cannot be resized automatically in Photoshop they must be re-drawn by hand to larger or smaller sizes to avoid a mushy, fuzzy look that destroys their effectiveness: Always use the GIF graphic format for diagrams, navigation graphics, or any graphic that contains text. |